
Quoted Currency: British £
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These rates are estimates based on current exchange rates. The rate that you pay may vary depending on the exchange rate that you receive at the time of payment.

Rental rates are for the entire property.

Description From To Weekly 5 Nights 4 Nights 3 Nights
All Year 01 Jan 24 31 Dec 24 £660 £550 £440 £330

£200.00 deposit to be paid where a booking is made MORE than 4 weeks before the start of your holiday.
Balance to be paid 4 weeks prior to the commencement date of your holiday.
Non payment of the balance will be construed as a cancellation and we therefore reserve the right to let elsewhere.
Payment in full if a booking is made less than 4 weeks before the start of your holiday. 

Any cancellation made by the client for whatever reason, shall be in writing and sent by recorded delivery to Miss P. Hornsey, or by email to phornseys@gmail.com. The full balance is payable and your deposit is not refundable, unless we can re-let the property. If we can re-let the full duration of your cancelled stay, we will refund your deposit and balance less £25.00 administration fee.
Bookings are accepted on the understanding that the client has taken out holiday cancellation insurance.
Please see our full "Terms and Conditions" here